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Limited Access
The information on this website in particular the information provided about the fund is only directed at investors domiciled or residing in Switzerland. The website of VV Vermögensverwaltung AG must not be accessed by persons who in view of their nationality and/or residence are subject to restrictions or to a jurisdiction prohibiting the publication of the content of the VV Vermögensverwaltung AG website or the access to the VV Vermögensverwaltung AG website (for whatever reasons). Persons to whom these restrictions apply are not allowed to access the VV Vermögensverwaltung AG website. Investors should seek independent advice on the applicable legal, financial or tax principles in the country concerned.
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Risk Considerations
Investors are advised of the risks described in the fund prospectus. Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance. The value of the investment may go down as well as up. The return upon the investment will therefore necessarily be variable. Consequently, there is no guarantee that investors will get back the full amount of their invested capital upon redemption.
No Prospectus
This website does not constitute a prospectus. Before investing in a financial product, the investor should carefully read the existing current legal documents and all other documents that may be required by local legal and regulatory requirements (e.g. prospectus and half-year and annual reports of the investment fund).
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Due to the information on this website coming partially from third party sources, the accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information cannot be guaranteed. The website can contain links to external websites. VV Vermögensverwaltung AG has no influence on the design or content of such websites and therefore assumes no responsibility for those. In particular any liability for the content of linked websites is expressly disclaimed.
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The use of the VV Vermögensverwaltung AG website and the Terms and Conditions of Use are subject to Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be Zug, Switzerland.
VV Vermögensverwaltung AG • Chamerstrasse 12c • 6300 Zug
T +41 41 720 47 90 • F +41 41 720 47 91 •